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Cyclone Lola batters Vanuatu

Severe Tropical Cyclone Lola has been downgraded to a Category 4 storm, but continues to wreak havoc on Vanuatu, the Fiji Meteorological Service said on Wednesday.
With wind gusts of more than 160kph, Lola has already caused widespread damage to the country’s northern provinces.
This is the third cyclone to hit Vanuatu this year. In February and March the small island nation was hit by two category 4 cyclones – Judy and Kevin – within days of each other.
Power and communications networks have been down since late Monday, the government said in a statement.
“With essential services cut off in much of the north, it was hard to know what the impact had been on those islands at this stage.”
Fiji’s Metservice said Severe Tropical Cyclone Lola had slightly weakened to Category 4 on Wednesday morning “with the eye pattern from yesterday becoming filled up”.
“A category 4 storm is still very strong. Hurricane force winds of up to 165kph are expected near the centre as it moves south-west over Pentecost and Ambryn islands and continuing to affect Vanuatu today.
“It is expected to be west of Malekula later today and continue to weaken while moving towards New Caledonia.”
Vanuatu Red Cross said its volunteers were on the ground, “mobilising communities on what to do and how to be prepared should the weather get worse”.
“Teams are also moving families living near the coastlines to evacuation centres.”
Steph Bule, at the Ranwadi School on Pentecost Island, said “our network is currently down due to severe damage, but we are grateful for the satellite phone we acquired after Cyclone Pam.
“Communication is limited, but everyone is safe. The school has suffered significant damage, with numerous roofs blown away.
“The strong winds persist. We appreciate all your prayers.”
Fiji Metservice said Lola’s centre was located less than 50 km north of Pentecost on Wednesday morning.
“Gale force winds are already affecting many parts of Vanuatu, with destructive storm to hurricane force winds closer to the centre.”
